La Federación  Internacional de Tenis da a conocer los resultados de la Copa Federación a nivel mundial.

The ITF has announced the latest results from Fed Cup by BNP Paribas Americas Zone Group I, Asia/Oceania Zone Groups I and II, and Europe/Africa Zone Groups I and III.

Five Zone Group events are taking place this week: Europe/Africa Zone Group I in Budapest, Hungary (4-9 February); Americas Zone Group I in Lambare, Paraguay (5-8 February); Asia/Oceania Zone Groups I and II in Astana, Kazakhstan (4-8 February); and Europe/Africa Zone Group III in Tallinn, Estonia (5-8 February).

All nations contesting the Zone Group I events will be bidding to qualify for the Fed Cup World Group II play-offs on 19-20 April, with two teams qualifying from the Europe/Africa Zone, and one team from both the Americas and Asia/Oceania Zones.

The 2014 Fed Cup by BNP Paribas World Group and World Group II first round ties are taking place on 8-9 February.

Fed Cup by BNP Paribas is the World Cup of Tennis. It is the largest annual international team competition in women’s sport, with 95 nations taking part in 2014. The event celebrated its 50th birthday in 2013 in the ITF’s centenary year. The title sponsor is BNP Paribas, the Official Bank of Fed Cup. Adecco (Official HR Sponsor) is an international sponsor, and Wilson Sporting Goods (Official Ball) is an international partner. Follow all the action on,,, and

For further information, please contact ITF Communications on Tel: +44 (0)20 8392 4632 or Email: [email protected].


Venue: Syma Event and Congress Centre, Budapest, Hungary (hard – indoor)

Pool C

Ukraine defeated Slovenia 3-0

Lyudmyla Kichenok (UKR) a Dalila Jakupovic (SLO) 46 64 61
Elina Svitolina (UKR) a Nastja Kolar (SLO) 63 67(3) 63
Lyudmyla Kichenok/Olga Savchuk (UKR) a Andreja Klepac/Dalila Jakupovic (SLO) 62 63

Israel defeated Austria 2-1

Patricia Mayr-Achleitner (AUT) a Julia Glushko (ISR) 61 46 62
Shahar Peer (ISR) a Yvonne Meusburger (AUT) 75 63
Julia Glushko/Shahar Peer (ISR) a Tamira Paszek/Patricia Mayr-Achleitner (AUT) 64 57 63

Pool D

Belarus defeated Portugal 3-0

Aliaksandra Sasnovich (BLR) a Maria Joao Koehler (POR) 63 64
Olga Govortsova (BLR) a Michelle Larcher De Brito (POR) 61 63
Ilona Kremen/Iryna Shymanovich (BLR) a Michelle Larcher De Brito/Barbara Luz (POR) 61 60

Turkey defeated Bulgaria 2-1

Isabella Shinikova (BUL) a Pemra Ozgen (TUR) 62 36 64
Cagla Buyukakcay (TUR) a Elitsa Kostova (BUL) 76(3) 61
Cagla Buyukakcay/Pemra Ozgen (TUR) a Elitsa Kostova/Isabella Shinikova (BUL) 57 61 75


Venue: National Tennis Centre, Astana, Kazakhstan (hard – indoor)

Pool A

Kazakhstan defeated Indonesia 3-0

Yulia Putintseva (KAZ) a Vita Taher (INA) 62 61
Yaroslava Shvedova (KAZ) a Lavinia Tananta (INA) 63 61
Yulia Putintseva/Galina Voskoboeva (KAZ) a Tami Grende/Vita Taher (INA) 61 61

Pool B

Uzbekistan defeated Chinese Taipei 3-0

Sabina Sharipova (UZB) a Chia Hsien Yang (TPE) 76(1) 64
Nigina Abduraimova (UZB) a Chin-Wei Chan (TPE) 36 62 63
Nigina Abduraimova/Arina Folts (UZB) a Chin-Wei Chan/Ting-Fei Juan (TPE) 60 46 64

China, P.R. defeated Korea, Republic

Fangzhou Liu (CHN) a Na-Hae Lan (KOR) 63 46 64
Qiang Wang (CHN) a So-Ra Lee (KOR) 62 75
Shuai Peng/Shuai Zhang (CHN) a Na-Lae Han/Mi Yoo (KOR) 64 60


Venue: Yacht y Golf Club Paraguayo, Lambare, Paraguay (clay – outdoor)

Pool A

Paraguay defeated Mexico 3-0

Montserrat Gonzalez (PAR) a Marcela Zacarias (MEX) 63 60
Veronica Cepede Royg (PAR) a Ana Sofia Sanchez (MEX) 63 62
Veronica Cepede Royg/Montserrat Gonzalez (PAR) a Ximena Hermoso/Victoria Rodriguez (MEX) 60 63

Pool B

Colombia defeated Ecuador 3-0

Catalina Castano (COL) a Charlotte Roemer (ECU) 62 64
Mariana Duque-Marino (COL) a Domenica Gonzalez (ECU) 61 63
Maria Fernanda Herazo Gonzalez/Paula Andrea Perez-Garcia (COL) a Rafaella Baquerizo/Rafaela Gomez (ECU) 61 64

Brazil defeated Bahamas 3-0

Paula Cristina Goncalves (BRA) a Iesha Shepherd (BAH) 60 60
Teliana Pereira (BRA) a Nikkita Fountain (BAH) 60 60
Gabriela Ce/Laura Pigossi (BRA) a Nikkita Fountain/Larikah Russell (BAH) 62 62


Venue: National Tennis Centre, Astana, KAZ (hard – indoor)

Pool A

Hong Kong, China defeated Malaysia 3-0

Eudice Chong (HKG) a Aslina Chua An Ping (MAS) 63 64
Ling Zhang (HKG) a Alyssa Boey (MAS) 60 60
Kwan Yau Ng/Ho Ching Wu (HKG) a Yus Syazlin Nabila Binti Yusri/Michelle Li Sha Khoo (MAS) 61 62

Pool B

Philippines defeated Sri Lanka 3-0

Anna Clarice Patrimonio (PHI) a Medhira Samarasinghe (SRI) 61 60
Marian Jade Capadocia (PHI) a Nethmi Himashi Waduge (SRI) 63 60
Marian Jade Capadocia/Anna Clarice Patrimonio (PHI) a Kemalie Herath/Amreetha Muttiah (SRI) 61 61

Pool C

Turkmenistan defeated Kyrgyzstan 3-0

Jahana Bayramova (TKM) a Inna Volkovich (KGZ) 61 16 63
Anastasiya Prenko (TKM) a Alina Lazareva (KGZ) 60 60
Jenneta Halliyeva/Anastasiya Prenko (TKM) a Erika Botalieva/Alina Lazareva (KGZ) 61 61

Pool D

India defeated New Zealand 2-1

Prarthana G. Thombare (IND) a Dianne Hollands (NZL) 61 64
Marina Erakovic (NZL) a Ankita Raina (IND) 61 62
Sania Mirza/Prarthana G. Thombare (IND) a Marina Erakovic/Abigail Guthrie (NZL) 75 61

Iran defeated Pakistan 2-1

Ushna Suhail (PAK) a Ghazaleh Torkaman (IRI) 63 62
Sahar Amini Hajibashi (IRI) a Sara Mansoor (PAK) 63 61
Sahar Amini Hajibashi/Ghazal Pakbaten (IRI) a Sara Mansoor/Ushna Suhail (PAK) 76(8) 36 75


Venue: Tere Tennis Center, Tallinn, Estonia (hard – indoor)

Pool A

Namibia defeated Armenia 2-1

Kerstin Gressmann (NAM) a Lusine Chobanyan (ARM) 62 63
Ani Amiraghyan (ARM) a Lesedi Sheya Jacobs (NAM) 62 60
Lesedi Sheya Jacobs/Liniques Theron (NAM) a Ani Amiraghyan/Milena Avetisyan (ARM) 76(5) 62

Pool B

Moldova defeated Cyprus 3-0

Anastasia Detiuc (MDA) a Eliza Omirou (CYP) 61 62
Daniela Ciobanu (MDA) a Maria Siopacha (CYP) 36 64 64
Anastasia Detiuc/Julia Helbet (MDA) a Eliza Omirou/Andria Tsaggaridou (CYP) 63 63

Pool C

Norway defeated Madagascar 2-1

Nantenaina Ramalalaharivololona (MAD) a Ida Seljevoll Skancke (NOR) 60 62
Melanie Stokke (NOR) a Sandra Andriamarosoa (MAD) 61 26 76(3)
Ida Seljevoll Skancke/Melanie Stokke (NOR) a Sandra Andriamarosoa/Nantenaina Ramalalaharivololona (MAD) 64 63

Pool D

Malta defeated Iceland 3-0

Elaine Genovese (MLT) a Hera Brynjarsdottir (ISL) 61 61
Katrina Sammut (MLT) a Hjordis Rosa Gudmundsdottir (ISL) 63 63
Rosanne Dimech/Elaine Genovese (MLT) a Anna Soffia Gronholm/Hjordis Rosa Gudmundsdottir (ISL) 75 64

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